Example of what can you do with our service?

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Token-Based Voting Privileges

Implement token-based voting mechanisms to empower your community in decision-making processes, such as feature prioritization or content selection on your website or platforms


Accounce new product exclusivity for holders

Announce new product exclusivity for token holders on a gated webpage, providing early access and unique benefits to drive token adoption and reward loyalty.


Create a specific announcement channels for holder exclusivities

Deliver important updates and exclusive news to token holders through a dedicated announcement channel on Telegram, enhancing their access to privileged information.


Token Holder Discounts

Offer exclusive discounts to token holders on a gated webpage, providing them with special pricing and incentives as a reward for their loyalty and participation within the community.


Sell exclusive merchandise to community

Sell exclusive merchandise to the token-holder community through a gated webpage, offering unique products and experiences.


Token Holder-Exclusive Online Courses

Token holder-exclusive online courses or educational resources on webpages, enabling them to expand their knowledge and skills in specific areas.


Exclusive Content Series

Exclusive content series, podcasts, or webinars hosted by project team members or industry influencers, delivering valuable insights and knowledge to token holders.


Create a chat after an event within attendees

Engage in post-event discussions and networking with an exclusive gated chat for event attendees, fostering connections through Telegram's secure gating feature.

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Join Linkko and Unlock the Power of Your Community!

With Linkko, you can secure your Notion pages with an NFT and offer exclusive content to your community. Join now and take your community engagement to the next level!